Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tasting-Bolla 1.5L Moscato

Name: Bolla 1.5L Moscato
Variety: Moscato
Region: Pavia
Country: Italy
Year: Not listed
Price: $9.95

Vintage Cellar Review: Loaded with juicy exotic fruit, mature apricot, yellow peach and tangerine flavors, this sweet and delightful wine is perfect for Sunday brunch or picnics.

My Review: This white wine had a very sweet aroma about it. I always look forward to the Moscato's at the end of these tasting so I was anxious to try it, especially after smelling the sweet nose. It seemed to have hints of apple flavors on the taste and I enjoyed the taste overall. However, I didn't enjoy this wine as much as I tend to enjoy some other Moscato's. This could potentially be allotted to the fact that it has a higher alcohol content than your average Moscato (9.5%). 

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